Privacy Policy

The Parish is a ‘controller’ under the Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2018 and we process and hold your information in order to administer public elections in accordance with our statutory obligations. Below, we explain what we collect; how we will use your information; and what your rights are.

We have collected your personal details (name; contact details); in order to administer public elections as a member of the Honorary Police in accordance with the Public Elections (Jersey) Law 2002 and/or the Honorary Police (Jersey) Law 1974 and other relevant legislation.

If elected, we will retain your data in perpetuity to maintain a historic record (and pass it to the Jersey Archive for this purpose) in the minutes of the Electoral Assembly or Parish Assembly.

If elected, we may share your personal details (name; address; elector number) with the Judicial Greffe and/or the Law Officers’ Department in order to administer a public election.

If elected, we retain the personal details until you are no longer eligible to serve in the Honorary Police. We may share your details with other parishes if you are elected as a member of their Honorary Police. We do this so we have a record of your service.

We do not process your information overseas using web services that are hosted outside the European Economic Area.  At no time will your information be passed to organisations for marketing or sales purposes or for any commercial use without your prior express consent.

In certain limited circumstances you can ask us to correct or amend your information or request that the processing of your personal data is restricted. You can also request a copy of the information we hold about you.

You can complain to us about the way your information is being used by contacting us at the Parish Hall (details on alternatively you can complain to the Information Commissioner by emailing [email protected].

If you have any queries about this privacy notice, you can also contact our Data Protection Officer (details available from the Parish).