Criteria To Be Met To Stand For Election
- Age between 20 and 60 years on date of nomination meeting
- Resident in parish (for Parish of St Helier a person who is a ratepayer of St Helier may also stand for election)
- Resident in Jersey for 2 years in order to ensure a reasonable knowledge of Jersey’s traditions, laws and customs
- Reasonably competent in the English language (must be able to read, write and verbally communicate in English)
- Not a holder of, nor a director, manager, secretary or similar officer or servant of a company or entity that holds a licence under
i. the Licensing (Jersey) Law 1974 or
ii. the Gambling (Jersey) Law 1964 - Not a debtor in the course of a désastre or a person who is or has the status of an undischarged bankrupt (by whatever name called) under the law of Jersey or any other jurisdiction.
- Election is for a three year term of office; a person elected must be willing to undertake training to enable duties to be undertaken safely and efficiently and be aware of the obligations of the Discipline Code as a member of the Honorary Police.